Chapter 12

A Competent Wife

Amberjill’s heart was beating rapidly. Her legs weren’t fast enough to gracefully escape from that place as soon as possible. Her eyes watered with each step she took. The elegant and immaculate dress was wagging to the rhythm of her footsteps. The black abyss the queen was falling into was getting bigger and bigger every day.

“Your majesty, your majesty.” The queen’s servant called to her incessantly. But Amberjill didn’t give a damn about her at the time. Her mind was blinded to reason, and the only thing her brain conjured up at that moment was what she will never be able to give to the kingdom of Mahala. An heir.

Abba could be pregnant. No, no, it was almost a fact. She was pregnant. Oh! How sad the queen was. The king, when he finds out, will be the proudest and happiest man in the kingdom.

The Queen, once she left the garden, quickened her step. Her discomfort was such, that without realizing it, she hit something hard. Amberjill, a little stunned, and astonished took a step back, and when her eyes focused, she managed to recognize the culprit. Resigned, she wondered if the day was going to get worse. In front of her, was the man who caught her attention on the wedding day. The same man as her. Pale white skin, and silver hair, But his eyes were different.

Amberjill wondered if his honey colour eyes came from the kingdom of Badoro, and the whiteness of her skin and hair from Ruana. And now, here he was, in front of her.

The stranger was tall, about a head taller than her. Broad-shouldered and lean. His nose was straight, and his jaw was masculine. Without a doubt, he was an incredibly beautiful creature. Made all the more beautiful by the honey colour of his eyes. The man in front of her also looked surprised. But seeing who it was, he nervously lowered his head, saying, “Your Majesty, it was my fault. I offer you my apologies. I was distracted, and I’m still not well familiar with my surroundings. Whatever punishment you decide for me, I will receive with grace.”

Amberjill, hearing his voice, was surprised at how familiar it sounded. But she was sure that she had never seen him before. Because he was like her, maybe the queen felt that way. Yes, that has to be.

Amberjill shook her head slightly, regaining her composure, and putting her mask back on. She smiled slightly at the stranger, saying, “There’s nothing to worry about. It wasn’t that bad. We were both not paying attention. I share the blame.” After that, the two of them silently looked at each other, recognizing each other’s faces. Something in Amberjill’s head insisted that she knew him somehow. But the silence did not last. “Your Majesty, my sincere apologies, I haven’t even had the decency to introduce myself. My name is Perseus.”

Behind the queen, her royal servant and her guards grew alert. Sandra gazed in fascination at the man in front of her. But like the queen, she couldn’t put her finger on it. She felt like she knew him somehow. Sandra narrowed her eyes and remained pensive. She had to uncover this mystery.

Perseus smiled brightly, showing his perfect teeth. Amberjill has lived in the midst of fake and pretentious people her entire life. That is why the smile of this handsome man seemed false to her. That won’t mean he was dangerous, but it did indicate that she should be careful. She sighed, letting out a slight breath. “Nice to meet you,” the queen said. “It will be a pleasure to talk with you next time, but for the moment, I have to leave.”

The queen, without letting him say anything else, picked up her pace, and sped up, followed by her entourage. Once the queen reached her chambers, she stood without moving in front of the door. With a calm that she did not have, she faced her servant and her guards. “I don’t want anyone to disturb me. Nobody is allowed to enter, and when I need something, I will ask for it.” The queen then looked at Sandra. “I want to be alone.” That was all she said to her, before turning her back on them, and closing the door behind her.

Amberjill leaned against the door and looked up at the ceiling. Her frozen heart started to shuffle. Oh! But Abba gave her the information she was desperately seeking. A reason.

She understood now why for the hasty and sudden wedding. “Hahaha,” Amberjill felt discouraged. “Probably the night of the wedding was not the first time the king slept with Lady Abba,” she thought aloud. “She was carrying the King’s heir for days, maybe weeks, it could even be months.” The queen lowered her head, and covered her eyes with her hands, lamenting her existence. Then, she brought them to her belly, squeezing it slightly, while at the same time, she said, “Why wasn’t I able to conceive? Why is my belly dry? I have spoiled everything. The only thing a queen has to offer, and I was not able to provide it.”

Amberjill dragged her heavy, weary feet to her bed, which she sat on. She spent a long time reflecting on that same spot in the last year. Rumours in the halls about the queen being barren, or how the queen was sick. Her favourite, for example, was when she heard the chef order his staff to add more nutrients to her dish since at any moment the wind would blow her away.

Taking all this into account, the queen couldn’t blame King Alcott any more. The burden he carried on his shoulders would not let him look away from this situation. It doesn’t matter if it’s the love of his life or the woman who has given him everything. “Oh! No, not everything,” the queen said bitterly.

Amberjill came to an important decision. She would not be a hindrance to her beloved king. Despite his betrayal, she understood. But nothing would take away the pain. Amberjill still loved him madly, and because of that, she will step down. Leaving the way clear for a competent wife, and mother.

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