Chapter 14

The interrogation

“Shadow, without anyone finding out, interrogates all the kitchen staff one by one. I don’t care if they are old, a child, or a woman. Interrogate them all. I want to know what is happening.” Shadow swallowed and stretched his back, trying to control the trembling in his hands at seeing King Alcott in such a condition. He could only nod his head. But the brave spy was also a warrior who had been with his majesty long enough to know him. He knew that the king would not commit injustice.

Trusting his king, Shadow bowed and headed for the door, but before he could leave, his lord’s command stopped him. “I have changed my mind, bring them one by one before me. In the interrogation, I will be the one asking the questions. I’ll be here waiting for them and do it discreetly. If it is necessary for me to spend the entire day waiting, I will do so.” Saying nothing more, the king waved his hand, signalling Shadow to depart.

Alcott was thoughtful, staying in the same place for a long time, analysing everything he knew so far. Walking to the window, that showed the magnificent royal garden, Alcott especially put attention to the area where he has dozens of rose bushes planted for his queen. This tower was his perfect getaway. The place in which he could observe everything without being seen. It was his centre of operations. In this place, he has discovered many conspiracies and potential allies at the same time. But all these troubles, told Alcott of something very important, that he needed more allies, but within his own walls.

The king’s heart was chilled at this discovery. And while he was thinking about everything that had happened today, and before, a vision of the heavens stole his attention. His queen was walking through the corridors of the garden, followed by her servant, and by the two guards that he, himself, selected for her protection. His queen was magnificent, especially adorned in that blue dress. Amberjill seemed to come from a fairy tale. Kidnapped from the same pages of fairy and goblin stories that he loved to hear as a child. To be delivered into his loving arms. Alcott thought his queen was his gift. His prize for having conquered so many lands and kingdoms.

The king closed his eyes, transporting himself to the first time that he laid eyes on that magnificent being. Alcott was riding back with his army after yet another victory. He had annexed the territory of Sudea, which adjoined the southern part of his kingdom. Back then, Mahala was a small region. His father, King Teo, had neither the time nor the head to make the city grow. Unfortunately, he had to deal for many years with the consequences of the revolt and the overthrow of the previous king, his own brother, and the former king, Roma. Everything was necessary and justified. King Roma lost his sanity many years ago, and if his father hadn’t done something, Mahala would be ruined. Running the risk of being absorbed by other kingdoms that were flourishing. Like Ruana.

Crossing through Ruana's territory was a strategy. The king wanted to show his might, and at the same time send a message to Ruana that Mahala would not be easily defeated. That is why, requesting permission to cross through Ruana, Alcott deployed his cavalry. But the young king did not expect that he would find the only person who would bring him to his knees here.

Alcott, on his black stallion, rode the streets of Ruana, in silence. The inhabitants of the city did not flinch from his display of greatness but came out to see closely. One of those people, was his queen, Amberjill. He didn’t know it at that time.

In the distance, on a hill, a magnificent white horse was motionless. The only thing that was any sign that the vision was real, was the wind moving his mane. But his eyes did not contemplate the horse for much longer but were carried toward the silhouette that rode him.

Alcott’s eyes widened as if that vision in front of him couldn’t exist. The queen of the Fairies existed. He couldn’t believe it. The hypnotic movement of her silver hair by the wind made her look surreal. Her delicate pink dress billowed at the same rate. Alcott unconsciously raised his arm, trying to reach her. But immediately he brought it to his chest, surprised by the neighing of the white horse. His eyes, already open, widened even further when the divine creature slowly rode towards him.

Alcott was never more nervous in his life. The ethereal creature was approaching, and he didn’t know what to do or say. The king finally saw the fairy queen in person from a few meters away. Alcott’s eyes went straight to the gorgeous woman in front of him. These blue eyes were something he had never seen, but he had heard of them. Electric blue. The people of Ruana were known for this trait. Her lips were also red, as the king could see. In the same way, she would look as if she had bitten into a raspberry, and the juice had coloured them. But what caught his attention the most was the smirk that his fairy made. And yes, now she was his fairy, and forever.

King Alcott opened his eyes, snapping back to reality, and squeezed them tight. Aching inside him for everything that had happened. For all that, his queen was suffering. He turned his gaze to his queen, who was seated at one of the picnic tables. His attention was caught by Lady Abba as she approached his queen with a contingent of servants. This interaction piqued the king’s interest. What could they say? Would Amberjill keep her promise to welcome Abba? The king attentively observed this scene, intrigued. A few minutes latter, saw how his queen stood up abruptly, obviously upset. This made the king’s heart beat rapidly.

The queen hurried away, followed by her servant and guards. But Lady Abba remained seated, enjoying the food that the queen was unable to have. Alcott remained pensive until the knock on the door made him turn around. Without further ceremonies, Shadow entered, already holding the arm of the head of the kitchen, Chef Moto, who was pale as paper, and his expression of terror.

The king’s eyes flashed like two hot coals, as he moved toward the table, taking a seat. Shadow closed the door and directed Chef to the chair opposite the king’s, and seating him not very kindly, he said, “Your majesty, this is our first confronted.” Alcott nodded his head, saying, “Let’s get started.”

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