Chapter 18

The reality of Lady Abba

Lady Abba furiously walked the halls of the castle. Her servants, trying to keep up with her steps, rushed after her. The poor women knew that they could not intervene or have a say in the actions of their lady, and if they did, the rod would be applied to their rear. All of them have learned to keep their mouths shut, as Lady Abba’s temperament is to be feared.

“How dare she, how dare she,” Abba was saying, stamping her foot on the ground, like a little girl denied a toy.

Finally, after going halfway through the castle, Abba found herself in front of a door, and without a second thought, she entered, slamming it to create more drama.

Seeing Sir Perseus sitting at his desk, looking puzzled at the sight of her, she ran towards him, throwing herself on the ground at his feet, and putting her head on his lap, began to sob.

Sir Perseus, still perplexed by Lady Abba, turned his gaze to the servants rushing to catch up with their mistress. All the servants looked helpless, and Perseus knew that he couldn’t count on them.

“Leave us,” in a low voice, he commanded all the onlookers. Without saying anything else, the maids lowered their heads and vacated the room.

As Perseus turned his gaze back to Abba, who was still resting her head on his lap, he said, “My Lady, you cannot be here, someone of your rank cannot be seen in this position in a mere gentleman’s room.”

He lifted Abba’s face with his finger, forcing her to face him. Abba’s face was streaked with tears, her nose red, and her eyes swollen. This image intensely moved the heart of Perseus, so from his desk, he took a handkerchief and wiped her tears with it. He looked at her tenderly and smiled at her.

Perseus took Abba by the hands, and together they rose from the compromising position Abba had placed them in moments ago.

The king’s second wife couldn’t help but admire the beauty of the man in front of her. She compared his pale white skin with hers. His silver hair fell beautifully from his head to his shoulders. To her, Sir Persimus was a fine art, but what she adored the most were his honey-colored eyes, the same as hers. That, to Abba, was the culmination of their path colliding in this life, they were meant to be in some way.

Her tender heart began to beat with intensity, influenced by the power of youth that abounded in her body at this age. It was always the same, and Abba wondered how could this happen to her. Why did Sir Perseus always have this effect on her?

But Lady Abba was never able to deny herself anything concerning this man, and without thinking, she closed the distance that separated them, until her mouth made contact with the young knight’s.

Feeling the contact with his lips, Lady Abba’s toes curled up, and in her stomach, a flock of doves began to flutter. Abba simply couldn’t contain herself in the presence of this handsome, virile man.

Perseus was also trapped at that moment, unable to react, or do anything. He let himself go with the same intensity as the woman in front of him. No doubt the young gentleman was in love. It always was, and from the first moment his eyes fell on her a few years ago, his gaze has not strayed from her.

He vowed to always be at her service, and bravely endure the painful fate that would await him, knowing that one day he would see her married to another. Lady Abba was too important to take the trouble to turn around to see him. Yet here they were both. And these moments are what have made his life sustainable.

But coming back to reality, Perseus opened his eyes, and slowly and delicately from the shoulders, he pushed Lady Abba away.

She blinked several times, wondering what was wrong. Why was Perseus stealing this moment from her?

But he smiled, guessing her thoughts, and said, “my lady, there is nothing in the world I would like to do right now but be immersed in you. Savoring your lips for hours, and feel how your natural perfume permeates every inch of my body.”

Abba’s eyes widened at the memory of those nights when no one was around, and they could slip away for hours. But in Mahala that has not been possible. Lady Abba would like with all her heart to return to those not too distant times, in which the two could demonstrate the mutual joy of joining their bodies.

“Not here, my lady. Finding you in my chambers is extremely dangerous. If your father gets airs about this, we will be in serious trouble.”

Abba knew that, but she had to see him. “I know, everything is clear in my mind, but my heart has led me here, my beloved Perseus. My disturbed self only thought of going to a shelter, and that was you.” Abba looked into her lover’s eyes, trying to decipher any sign that he was upset with her for being the king’s wife, and that was why he was rejecting her, but she saw no such thing. Sir Perseus was only worried about her.

Abba nodded her head, as she said, “Very well, my brave knight, next time, I will be more careful. I beg for your forgiveness.” Making a brief courtesy, Abba turned his back on Perseus and left the room.

When she was on her own again, the hallway for once was empty, and by quickening her pace, she reached her room. Lady Abba opened the door, then immediately closed it, and looking up, her stomach dropped. Opposite her, sitting in one of the chairs that faced the window, was her father, King Soto.

The colour drained from her face, leaving her almost as pale as the citizens of Ruana. The news of her visit to Sir Perseus’s room spread so quickly that Lady Abba swallowed painfully, wondering how it could be. She, gathering what courage she still had in her, stepped forward, bowing her head in reverence, and saying, “Father, if I had known that you would come to visit me, I would have arranged a reception.”

Abba held her breath, waiting for what Soto had to say, she didn’t wait long. The king left his chair, and addressing her with strong and determined steps stopped in front of her. Without warning, the king slapped her without measuring his strength, sending her to the ground.

Soto was in front of her, looking at her from above, with his cold and calculating gaze, observing Abba with disgust.

“Neither you nor anyone else is going to ruin my plans. Remember how I found you, dirty and starving in the street, begging for a piece of bread. I have given you everything, including dignity. Do not cross me, Abba, or else your lover will suffer unspeakable torture until his body is thrown in pieces to feed the stray dogs.”

Abba’s entire being trembled with fear. No, not Perseus. She brushed back the messy hair covering her face and got up from the floor. Without saying anything else, she bowed, staying in the same position until she heard the door closing with a big bang!

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