Chapter 2

 The Queen’s New Chamber

Then, as if her eyes were drawn by a magnet, Amberjill fixed her gaze on Abba. She couldn’t help it, no matter how much she wanted to erase her from her view. Abba was a vision to behold. Her skin was the colour of honey, lustrous, and full of life. Her deep black hair was like the king’s. Both of them were dark, as night. But that’s where the similarities ended. Abba’s eyes were brown and round, surrounded by big, curled eyelashes. The king’s eyes were deep green, like the forest, and endless like the biggest pine trees. Abba’s nose was small and turned up. While the king was straight, and with a strong presence.

The people from the Mahala kingdom, and the Baldoro kingdom, definitely contrasted. But what was she thinking? She looked at her hands, remembering how white and pale her skin was compared to theirs. The queen took a bunch of her hair between her fingers, and inspect it deeply. Her hair looked like cascades of silver threads. And her eyes, the deepest blue that could be found in the sea. Sometimes it seemed that a storm lived in them.

The queen couldn’t help but doubt bout her appearance. “Could it be that my king had enough of me, and is now in search of something more exotic?” Amberjill returned her gaze to Abba, watching her interact with the king. The queen’s eyes surveyed Abba’s round, perfect hips. Wide enough to carry a child full term. The fixation was so great, that an idea came to mind. “The king has replaced me.” With fear and trembling, Amberjill discovered the reason for this unexpected and subtle wedding.

It is at the same time, that the king had his eyes on her. As if guessing what was in her mind. That radiance, which only he had reserved for her in his eyes shone like incandescent flames. She thought it was an illusion. Now the king would have no further use for her. Since his new wife, and more certainly the mother of his heirs was with him. Amberjill was devastated. But she was the queen, and her face could not waver. The torrent of sensations, running wild and unchecked inside her, was kept hidden. Nobody could realize how much she was suffering.

The king looked away from her and then whispered something into the ear of Abba, his new wife. Amberjill was about to drop her mask when their gazes met. But she didn’t allow it. Her face showed peace and serenity that did not exist inside her. Just as she was instructed in her childhood to behave. The king’s eyes shone for an instant when he saw her, and then that shine faded, giving his attention to someone other than her, definitely. The king turned his back on her, instead of an explanation. But the queen didn’t need one any more. She knew enough now.

Now, it was a matter of time, before the king claimed the title of queen and gave it to her. Seeing that she was nothing in this kingdom, her fear increased. The poor queen began to imagine various scenarios. “And if he sends me to kill? Or throw me in the dungeon? What would my revered father do if he found out that I was in danger?” No, the queen was not as weak as they believed. Not Amberjill. She was the daughter of the king of Ruana, and as such, she would find her way out of this deadly situation.

Minutes passed until an envoy of the king approached the balcony, where the queen was still weighing her options. “My Queen. My king has sent me for you. It is time for you to retire to your chambers.” Amberjill raised her head in surprise. She was so focused on her thoughts that she didn’t hear the emissary arrive, much less hear what he said. “Repeat what you said again. The noise is such, that I can’t understand your words.” The queen smiled politely. Hiding the turbulence she carried inside. Now, more than ever, she couldn’t alert anyone to her thoughts.

The emissary, understanding his queen, repeated everything from the beginning. “My Queen. My king has sent me for you. It is time for you to retire to your chambers.” That only meant one thing, the newlyweds were going to consummate the beginning of their marriage for the first time. Or she thought was the first time. Another direct stab at her fragile heart. Amberjill just smiled and nodded her head.

The emissary took a few steps back and lowered his head in reverence to his queen. Amberjill stood up with all the grace her upbringing gave her, and left the balcony of honour, escorted by the emissary. Two of her bridesmaids were waiting for her in the hallway. Seeing her leave, they bowed and followed her without saying a word. Her two bridesmaids were the only ones she could blindly trust.

Aurora and Sandra, her faithful servants since childhood. The king generously allowed them to follow their mistress. That was not usual. Arriving at her new home, new servants would have to be appointed by the king’s mother, as a tradition. But in her case, fortunately, was allowed. The king, back then, would have given anything for her. Aurora and Sandra are here to stay.

The queen stopped short as she approached the chambers she shares with her beloved husband. The emissary was alarmed, believing that the queen was not feeling well. “My queen, what is the problem?” Amberjill turned to the emissary, thinking about what she was going to say. She hesitated for a moment, as what she was thinking would lead to a lot of inconveniences. But she had already formed a plan. And for her own good, she had to do it. “Everything is fine, there is nothing to worry about.” The queen turned and continued down the same corridor. But she did not stop to go through the royal chamber. No, she walked past. “My queen, my queen.” But Amberjill ignored him and moved on. Her maids followed her closely without saying anything. Supporting their lady in silence.

Many doors later, the queen stopped, facing the emissary. “Tell the king, that my chambers have changed.” The emissary’s face paled at the queen’s words. “My only intention is to give the king space to attend to his new wife, and nothing else.” The smile she managed to conjure up despite the deep pain in her soul was believable. Since, the emissary sighed in relief, understanding that the only reason for the queen to move from her chambers was to see the interest of the king, he agrees to leave. How considerate and selfless the queen was. The emissary thought.

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