Chapter 22

The queen knows best

Three days later, the king was on his throne, discussing matters of state with his secretary Asta. “Your Majesty, we have received news from Narumia, confirming that the shipment of limestone is on its way. This lot will be very important for the construction of the new structures of the city.”

King Alcott nodded his head, unable to understand what was being said. His mind was far away. He hadn’t heard from his beloved Amberjill for three days, and his heart was sad, no, not just sad, more than sad. The king did not know what to do to make his queen return to his side. Amberjill hasn’t made contact with him or wanted to see him, and they haven’t met in the hallways either. Nothing. It’s like she’s avoiding him. No, it’s not like she’s avoiding him, she’s avoiding him. The king’s anxiety grew more and more every day. This situation was getting out of hand.

“Your majesty, did you hear me?” Alcott snapped back to reality, and looked at his assistant curiously, what was he saying? Something about Narumia? “Narumia? Yes, what about them?”

“My king, I was talking about Narumia a time ago, now the topic was the guests at the banquet.” The assistant responded indignantly at the king’s inattention.

“Oh! What’s with it? I trust you have done a good job with the information Lady Abba entrusted to you. What is there to report?” The king commented, trying to end this session to retire somewhere where he might have a chance to meet his queen by chance.

“My lord, indeed, Lady Abba gave me the exact details, despite the short time I had to organize the event and especially the invitations. Fortunately, all the nobles confirmed their attendance on such short notice. Do not worry, my king, the Mahala nobility will attend without fail.” The adviser was proud of his hard work.

“WHAT?” Alcott rose from his throne with wide eyes. The assistant’s shock, seeing his king so exalted, caused him to fear. Have I done something wrong? The adviser wondered, lost. He did not know now.

“My king, is there something I have done wrong? Lady Abba gave me the specifications, and so I carried them out. I would not dare to make any mistake in this most important matter.”

The king got up from his throne and walked menacingly towards Asta. When he was within reach, Alcott grabbed his tunic and brought his face close to his. And gnashing his teeth, the king said, “Will the nobles attend this banquet? You dared to summon all of Mahala’s nobility, and without consulting me?”

Asta’s forehead began to form sweat, without understanding the reason for the king’s bad reaction. He just did what he was told to do.

“My king, Lady Abba requested the presence of the nobles, and well, you told me to assist her in everything she would require. I assumed that you, Your Majesty, were aware of everything. I wouldn’t dare act without your consent.”

The king’s anger died down, giving way to disbelief. Alcott’s eyes widened as the reality of what had happened finally settled in. No, what had he done? Closing his eyes, he remembered the conversation with Asta just a few days ago. “Asta, this time, my queen cannot host the event that Lady Abba has requested. Provide her with all the assistance she needs. Oh, and I don’t want to be disturbed for what remains of today.”

Alcott released the adviser and took a few steps back, sitting back on his throne, unable to shake the feeling in his stomach of a whirlwind sweeping through everything. All this was a lot.

The king grabbed his head with both hands and meditated on what had happened. But after a few minutes in that position, he finally raised his head.

Asta stood immobile, waiting for his king’s instructions and seeing the look on his face, he realized one thing: King Alcott would not treat any matter lightly from now on. Nevertheless, what his majesty said next stumped him.

“My queen was wise to reject this banquet, apparently she has more qualities to rule than me. And I’m starting to see everything more clearly, Astar.” The king, without taking his eyes off his adviser, began to plan in silence, then said, “Summon Shadow.”


The queen was escorted by a contingent of security guards to the ballroom. Her face, delicately made up, offered nothing to anyone of what the queen was thinking. Her steps were precise and confident. The beautiful navy blue dress that billowed with every step she took made her a sight to see. The fabric shimmered, making the exquisite embroideries that were blended in the shape of petals stand out.

Her silver, cascading hair fell freely down her back, studded with precious stones throughout. But today the queen was not wearing her favourite crown, no, she was wearing the official crown of the kingdom of Mahala, the one that belonged to the king’s mother when she reigned.

Today, all Mahala would have an important event. According to Lady Abba’s demands, the castle had to be sumptuously decorated. Thousands of flower arrangements were placed along the corridors, and of course in the main hall. The red carpet was laid, cushioning the passage of the rulers of Mahala. The banquet also had to be extravagant, according to Lady Abba, nothing could be spared.

And that was not all, the citizens of Mahala would also be pampered. In the centre of the main square, a banquet has also been prepared for everyone. There was nothing better to win over a crowd than food. A smart strategy on her part. And it wasn’t as if Lady Abba would need much of their support, because she had it. The heir was the most important thing in all of Mahala, and Amberjill was not exactly among their favourites. Their hopes rested in Lady Abba.

Amberjill, walking through the castle, thinking of nothing. Her conscience had finally gone to sleep, after the most disappointing week of her life. The queen had managed to close her heart in the face of so much pain, and only then was she able to get up the next day. Now she didn’t believe anything, she didn’t think anything, and the best thing is that she didn’t feel anything. Or so she wanted to believe.

Arriving at the door of the main hall, the doors opened, and the announcer who was waiting for her blew his trumpet, and immediately said, “Your Majesty, Queen Amberjil.”

All those present were silent and turned their heads towards the entrance, where the queen walked on the red carpet with her head held high until she reached the steps leading to her throne, which was next to the king’s, who was already present.

He, seeing his beloved approaching, held the air in his lungs, forgetting how to breathe, in front of this magical and magnificent creature. Amberjill has always taken his breath away.

Finally, within her reach, he extended his hand, and she took it out of courtesy, this generated in the king a series of sensations that crossed his skin. And when Alcott reacted, he guided his queen to take her rightful place, at his side. For today at least.

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