Chapter 24

I am carrying Mahala’s heir

Lady Abba beamed with happiness. All attention was on her now, and she had never felt so well in her life. She delicately passed her hand over that exquisite and fine dress, unable to believe that something like this existed. Same with the silken veil, and the beautiful crown she now wore.

Lady Abba had many things, and good ones, but nothing like this, and she deserved it. Yes, in her head, she would be the new queen, and she had to start looking like one. For her, it was just a matter of time, because her father Soto has planned it that way, and he has never broken his promise. Abba knew this very well, she has seen it all, and she knows how dangerous it is to defy his will. It’s better to be on the winning side in the end. Yes, her father will be the best option, and even if she didn’t want to, her life belongs to him. And maybe, one day, she can have the things she can’t now, including her beloved Perseus.

So she decided to increase the permission of her husband, the king, and instructed the royal adviser that she would need some things from the queen’s room. Not needing to sneak out, or fear being noticed, Abba snooped through the queen’s collection of gowns, finding these treasures.

The king’s second wife also chose the silk veil, even if it didn’t match her eyes, it would be magnificent to show off, but when she laid her eyes on the sapphire crown, her stomach turned. What a magnificent crown indeed. At that precise moment, she decided what outfit to wear to her banquet. The queen was very lucky to have a husband as wealthy as King Alcott who could provide such magnificent finery, she thought. And smiling, she took it for herself.

Thinking through her situation, this was what she was born for. And while her heart was elated with joy, Abba smiled at everyone as she passed, her cadence and delicate step, imitating that of the queen, leaving everyone delighted. Finally, her servants had suggested something useful to her, but she would never admit it.

Once Lady Abba reached the king’s feet, she curtsied to the monarchs, glancing especially at the queen. She knew that Amberjill would not overlook what she had borrowed from her collection, waiting for some useful reaction. But the happiness with which she entered soon faded when she saw the queen’s eyes, vacant and dull. Instinctively, she looked up at her king, and what she saw in his face made her blood run cold.

King Alcott’s piercing eyes caused Lady Abba to tremble, stripping her of all the confidence the queen’s items had given her, lowering her to a commonplace. Her mind told her to run, but her feet were pinned to the ground by the invisible shackles her father had placed on her.

No, Lady Abba had to fight this battle, and she had to do it well. Much was at stake. Swallowing her fear, she managed her charming smile and greeted the monarchs, “My king, and husband,” She said, then focused on the queen doing the same, “my queen.” But none of them answered, causing the room to erupt in murmurs.

Fortunately for her, her father, who was watching everything carefully, got up from his seat, saying, “Oh, my child, but don’t just stand there, go to your place, next to your husband, and king. ” Over her shoulder, Lady Abba glanced at her father, trying to read the situation, but decided instead to do as her father ordered.

A servant hurried to the throne and placed a beautifully decorated velvet cushion on the left side of the king on the floor.

Rey Soto walked towards her, and politely taking her hand, guided her to her seat, kissing her hand, and returning to his.

Lady Abba for her part was mortified. This action must have been done by the husband, not the father, but the king’s face told her everything. He would not lift a finger on her behalf tonight.

Alcott, seeing his second wife on his left side, suspected that something was not right. He was not familiar with the Badoro tradition, but what he did know was that the next wife should go to the right-hand side of the first, and so on. This arrangement was wrong, fearing a political incident. But he will worry about this later, because to him, now everything was clear, and more than ever, he had to be vigilant.

Among other things, Shadow, in the most remote part of the room, hid, watching everything that was happening with a clinical eye. His responsibility today was to keep the queen safe and to avoid at all costs that she taste anything that was offered to her. So he dedicated himself to seeing all the servants and those who had contact with the food that was served. Waiting for something suspicious to happen.

Despite what happened, the banquet began, filling the diners with joy and joy, delighted with this display of camaraderie among the Mahala nobility.

Lord Belonos of the house of Molenarg raised his glass, and addressed the king, saying, “My king, congratulations on this jubilant and joyful day, on which Mahala’s future is being cemented. I wish House Relish and House Katria a prosperous and fruitful union.”

The hall was filled with cheers and applause, while Soto of Katria laughed out loud, clutching his abundant belly at the same time. Raising his glass filled with the best wine, and downing it in one gulp, Soto toasted without inhibition, because he knew that his triumph was drawing near, and he was about to launch the plunge.

And on the other side of the room, the king’s cup remained in his hand, inert. The emotions that overflowed him a few moments ago had been turned off, giving way to reason and calm. The king could not make a single mistake now, and his intelligence had to rule.

The queen had not been offered anything to toast with or to eat, the king’s orders, but despite this, Amberjill was like a statue, inert, devoid of life. Some who saw her thought that she had turned into a marble statue. But caring little, they returned to their conversations. Fortunately, for her, no one was paying enough attention to her to talk to her. The queen was not important today.

Soto of Katria after finishing the wine looked at her daughter, and she knew what it meant. Lady Abba nodded briefly and braced herself for what she had to do.

She smiled and got her husband’s attention by putting her hand on his arm, helped by her father, who silenced the guests.

Now the attention was on her, making her smile grow bigger, and bigger until tears of happiness spilled from her eyes. “My beloved husband, I want to take advantage of this glorious moment so that the representatives of Mahala and the officials of the kingdom share our joy.” The king, seeing her, became anxious, not knowing what else to expect from this woman.

“My king, I am carrying Mahala’s heir.”

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