Chapter 4

 The Banquet

King Alcott, tired of what had happened in his life, rested his head briefly on the back of his throne, allowing his neck muscles to rest for a few seconds. He turned to his left, where his new wife sat, gracefully. The king admired her beauty, which had no rivals. Well, 'almost' was the best word to describe this situation. There was only one woman who surpassed her, and that was his queen, Amberjill. But she wasn’t there to comfort him.

The king knew that all this should not have happened, but there was little he could do to stop it. This wedding had to take place, even if his relationship with Amberjill deteriorated. He knew it was necessary. Alcott was confident that he would repair any damage this might cause them. Yes, Amberjill loves him. Of that, he has no doubt. These thoughts were the justification he needed to continue this celebration.

The new royal wife, sensing his gaze, turned her head in the king’s direction. She smiled charmingly, and she carefully took the king’s hand, squeezing ever so lightly. And with eyes full of wonder, she said, “My king and husband, this day, you have made me the happiest woman in the world. Ever since I was younger, I dreamed of this moment every day. Being able to unite our lives for all eternity.”

The king smiled appreciatively at his wife, Abba. But he didn’t say anything, he only patted her hand, which was still in his, kipping his thought to himself. The king returned his gaze to the entertainment that was being displayed for his amusement. The fire dancers, that’s what this distraction was called in the land of his new wife, the kingdom of Badoro.

But not even the most interesting display of pyrotechnics could distract the king’s mind from thinking about his beloved Amberjill. Nervously, the king snapped his fingers, a sign of the great agitation that his heart was feeling at this moment. What is his queen thinking about him at this moment? His heart was heavy.

However, he forced himself to remain in his position, not letting on what he was really feeling.

The banquet continued, and food was served in abundance. The wine continued to be served in the golden cups that had been specially designed for this occasion. All the best for the union of the two houses. After all, it was a royal celebration.

The performances did not stop doing their tricks with fire, becoming a bit repetitive according to the king. Nothing could be spared at King Mahala’s wedding, and these actors could not leave the venue until the last of the guests had left. The king, somewhat bored by now, amusedly watched as his father-in-law approached the royal throne. Soto de Katria bowed in front of his throne.

“Your Majesty, it is an honour to be in your presence. The kingdom of Badoro is immensely grateful that you have honoured us with your presence. But it’s time for the festivities to continue in a more private setting. It is my duty as your humble servant to ensure that the wedding is consummated.”

The king immediately understood that Soto was rushing him to close the deal. He knew it was inevitable, but he didn’t necessarily have to put his heart into it.

The king sighed internally in anguish. “Very good, King Soto. I agree with you. It is time for the two of us to retire to our chambers.” Without discussing the matter further, the king rose from his throne and extended his hand to his new wife. Abba, for her part, blushed and without thinking, took the offered hand. She bowed briefly to her father, and hand in hand with the king, the two discreetly left the event hall.

The royal guards were standing guard outside the event hall, and when they saw their king approaching, they bowed and escorted them to their chambers. The emissary who had taken care of the queen was there, with a face full of satisfaction. The emissary led the way until they reached the royal rooms. But the king stopped, causing everyone else to stop as well.

“My new wife and I will be expending our wedding night in her chambers. I don’t want anyone to interrupt us.” Abba, ambitiously, thought that her king would spend the whole night with her, creating a scarlet blush, betraying her thoughts. But the king did not take it into account.

“But, your majesty, your chambers are already……” The king interrupted the emissary abruptly, raising his hand, causing him to shut up immediately. “I will not repeat myself again. I said that I will spend the night here.” The emissary shivered, hearing the sharp tone of his king. “Yes, your Majesty.” He lowered his head sharply, closing his mouth.

The king, with his eyes, ordered one of his guards to open the door. When the door opened, the king took the hand of his new wife, “After you, my wife.” Abba’s heart was about to explode. This will be it. The long years of planning for this moment have come to an end. Her biggest dream will come true in a few more minutes. She gave a little bow, while at the same time saying, “My husband.” Saying nothing more, she allowed herself to be led inside.

The two of them, already alone, the king let out the air that was stuck in his lungs, heading to the table where his servants had cleverly arranged for the new wife a feast. He unceremoniously poured himself a generous glass of wine, downing it in a single gulp. Not enough, he poured one more, and likewise, he did not pause until the last drop was finished. Once this task was accomplished, he turned, facing his new wife. What he saw, took his breath away for a few seconds, just for one second.

Abba of Katria was really beautiful. Her honey-coloured skin contrasted with her intense black hair, just like his. Spread out on the crimson-red silk sheets, her body was exposed to his sight. And without stopping, he ran his eyes over every part of her. His virility did not fail to be noticed, tightening his leather pants. It was evident that this woman was a seductress. Nothing in front of him had flaws. Abba spread her legs slowly, revealing the desire she felt for her husband. She patted one side of the bed while she said, “Come to me, my husband.”

The king walked slowly to the bed, where Abba desperately requested his presence. Alcott, reaching one side, began to undress. When he was naked, Abba’s mouth fell open. Her jaw dropped all the way down because the king’s body was perfect too. Well-defined muscles graced his figure. But what almost stopped her heart was his manhood.

This created a fervour within Abba’s mind. Sending her to a dark place within her. She swore to herself at that moment that she would do anything to be pleasured by this magnificent man.

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