Chapter 40

To Ruana

The last preparations for the trip were complete. The wagons are carefully filled with the belongings of those who travel, as well as the royal guard. As the soldiers mounted their horses, they were awaiting their king’s orders before advancing.

A few minutes later, King Alcott finally made his appearance, dressed in his golden armour designed for visiting foreign rulers. His long hair was held back in a high ponytail, and his forehead was adorned by a gold band engraved with the castle’s coat of arms.

Beside him, arms linked was Queen Amberjill. Her steps were hesitant and forced, causing the king to slow his stride to keep up with her.

Her grim and unapproachable face was impossible to hide this time. Everyone who saw her at that moment would think that electric beams would come out of her eyes at any moment. This time, the surrounding people fearfully made way for them. In this case, it was not because of the bloodthirsty king, but because of his queen, wondering what would have happened for the king’s first wife to give off such a bad aura.

But the answer was a few steps behind her. Following close behind her was Lady Abba, covered from head to toe in a hooded cloak.

Plenty of people were shaking their heads, thinking that the queen was overreacting and that any unfinished business with Lady Abba had to be concluded. Overall, it was her fault for not delivering an heir to keep the king’s line secure.

It was well known that Amberjill had not welcomed the King’s second marriage, and therefore her personality had changed completely. The devotion that she always showed towards her king was no more. It was an open secret.

But according to the citizens, the king was the king, and in his right and before the law, polygamy was legitimate. The king’s first wife will, in due time, get used to this reality.

After reaching the carriage, the king forced himself to let go of the arm of his beloved. Angry, she released herself from him without waiting for a moment, and without waiting for the royal page next to the carriage door to open it for her either, she did so, and entered, slamming the door shut behind her. Straight to their faces.

King Alcott closed his eyes, wishing he were anywhere but here. Regretting its existence.

From the moment he had announced to his beloved Amberjill the journey, and who would accompany them, she had closed herself off again, pushing him aside, denying him her body and heart. And apparently, the days of bliss spent locked in his chambers never existed. The progress he had made came crashing down with just two or three words out of his mouth.

The royal page was watching everything in detail, feeling sorry for the king, thanking life that he was born a peasant, and would never be forced to marry two or three more times. A wife for him was more than enough.

King Alcott shook his head, wishing everything would go back to the way it was before, but it was impossible, and he knew it very well. The only thing left for him was to end the issues that were turning his life upside down and wish for the best.

“My king,” Lady Abba’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and at the same time made his stomach burn. Alcott couldn’t bear to be around this woman, let alone hear her voice, calling out to him.

Alcott turned his body to face her, but Lady Abba regretted it the moment she saw his murderous expression. She wanted to know where they were going only, and not cause the king’s wrath with her mere presence. No one had told her anything, and this trip came as a surprise. The servant that the king assigned her was not helpful, and more than anything, it seemed to her that she was there to control her and watch her every step, and even her thoughts, acting as her jailer.

Abba closed her mouth immediately, unable to voice her doubts. But the king, facing her, took a step towards her, bowing his head, and in a low voice, he said to her, “If you open your mouth even once, I will cut out your tongue. The fact that you will travel with my queen doesn’t give you the right to speak to her. My threat is not empty, and I would not hesitate to carry it out. I don’t need your tongue, so I wouldn’t hesitate to punish you like that if you disobey.”

Abba tensed her entire body, believing each of the king’s words. She was at the mercy of this bloodthirsty man, and doing as he said was her best option. Saying nothing, she nodded and waited for the king to get out of the way to board the carriage.

The page immediately opened the door for Lady Abba to enter, offering his helping hand. He again saw everything, and in his mind, he sighed in relief, confirming his good fortune that he was not the king.

Behind Lady Abba, the servant assigned by the king to attend to her needs, Jemma, followed.

The king went to his horse and mounted it. He then rode to the front of the formation, and with his arm pointed forward, the king gave the order to advance.

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