Chapter 42

The welcome

“My king, my king, they have arrived.” Edward, King Lucian’s clerk, ran into the throne room, not caring to follow the protocol. The man was so excited that he hardly cared that he would soon find himself in the presence of his king. His ward and beloved princess have arrived.

During Amberjill’s young years, he served as a teacher and a mother. Not as a father figure, since that job fell solely to King Lucian, and for that role, it is worth mentioning that the king did a magnificent job.

King Lucian rose from his throne and went down the steps that separated them. And without even seeing his friend and adviser, he headed for the door. The royal guard, seeing the king, flanked him, following in his footsteps.

His clerk was at his heels as they hurried through the castle. Reaching the front door, the king waved his hand, and another guard posted there and opened it immediately for them.

When the doors opened, the king came out with his entire entourage.

The contingent from Mahala was unloading their belongings, and the battalion protecting the king was still mounted.

The royal carriage was already there, waiting only for King Alcott himself to help his wives down, as the protocol in foreign visits.

Wasting no time, Alcott, reflecting sunlight through his golden armour, pushed his way until he reached the carriage door, living the royal page unable to perform his job.

Alcott, looking inside, sighed with relief to find all the passengers intact. Especially his queen. And without bothering with anyone else, he held out his hand, and a quick Amberjill took it, descending from the carriage.

The princess of Ruana forgot the world that revolved around her, and her gaze focused solely on her father, who was in the atrium of the Castle waiting for her. As she descended, she let go of her husband’s hand, walking quickly towards her father.

But she didn’t get very far, as King Alcott intercepted her halfway. Holding her hand firmly, he forced her to walk beside him until together they were in King Lucian’s presence.

The king’s eyes shone when he saw his beautiful daughter after so many years, admiring the woman she had become.

The Mahala royal couple bowed and raised their heads. But King Lucian had already descended the steps of the atrium and, standing in front of his daughter, he hugged her, paying no attention to anything, especially King Alcott.

King Lucian wanted only his daughter, longing to hold her in his arms again after a long separation.

Amberjill, for her part, allowed herself to be embraced by her father, absorbing the love and protection that only he could offer her. Oh, how she needed this. How she longed for those protective arms that had never let her down.

However, King Lucian, even though he preferred to hold his daughter longer, had to welcome King Alcott. So, he doubtfully ended the hug, but took his daughter’s hand, kissing it on her palm. Which, by the way, was making a monumental effort not to melt here and there.

Subsequently, King Lucian proceeded to greet King Alcott, “King Alcott, welcome, I hope your trip went smoothly.”

The pleasantry talk was necessary, but what Lucian wanted most was to finish this, to discuss the details that really matter. For example, how the conspiracy that was running in the dark was doing.

“King Lucian, thank you for receiving us; indeed, our journey was pleasant and calm.”

Amberjill glanced at her husband when he said that—thinking that for him everything was pleasant. But for the queen, it was one of the worst trips of her life. Although Lady Abba kept her mouth shut the entire trip, her mere presence caused her bitterness.

King Lucian was about to lead his guests into the castle when something caught his eye.

One of the soldiers from the Mahala battalion stood out from the others. His armour was from Bodoro, the king noted, and his pale white face gave away his origin. Lucian couldn’t understand this. He was definitely one of its citizens, but he was serving another king.

The distance between them was too great for him to see the man’s features, so he decided to postpone this matter until later, even though he was genuinely interested in him.

Returning his attention to Mahala’s entourage, the king last noticed Lady Abba, covered from head to toe in a cloak. And without taking his eyes off her, he said, “Is that her?”

Alcott knew what the king meant and answered with a simple, “Yes.”

That was all the king needed to know.

“Royal clerk, escort the king’s companion to her chambers, while I will see that King Alcott and my daughter freshen up before we meet.”

“Yes, your Majesty.”

The clerk addressed Lady Abba, saying, “This way, my Lady.”

Abba, saying nothing, did as directed, closely followed by her escort and servant. But her silence didn’t mean she agreed. She just didn’t have anything to fight with. She was certainly defeated, hoping that King Alcott would take pity on her in the future. Furthermore, she will obey, yes, she will risk it that way.

Meanwhile, just outside the forest, King Alcott’s three spies rode at full gallop, with a very uncomfortably Lady Ferguson bound hand and foot dangling horizontally from Victor’s horse.

Their intention at first was not to take prisoners, but after Lady Ferguson’s terrible revelation, they had no choice but to take her.

Shadow knew that the king had travelled to Ruana and that he will remain there for a few days; however, this could not wait. The three soldiers decided to go to where King Alcott was and expose the truth as soon as they could.

Shadow did not know what his king would do with this information, but it was essential that he find out. The fate of the two nations was at stake.

From where they were, it would take them two more days to reach Ruana, so they decided to travel the distance without rest, much to Lady Ferguson’s dismay, as her position was far from comfortable. Deeply regretting having opened her mouth.

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