Chapter 31

His smile

King Alcott ground his teeth and slowly turned his face forward. Fury welled up in his guts, turning the green colour of his eyes dark. He licked his lips, wiping away the blood that had spilled from the wound. He rose from his chair, coming face to face with King Lucian.

King Lucian, of course, did not back down. Even though King Alcott was a good head taller than him, and his shoulders were as broad as a wardrobe. His hair was long, reaching to his mid-back, and blacker than night, giving anyone nightmares. That didn’t intimidate him in the least. Neither were the murderous eyes that were watching him.

The two kings engaged in a war of wills, trying to impose themselves on each other. But King Alcott, seeing this reckless man face him without flinching, even though Lucian knew full well that he had no chance of getting out alive if he went head-to-head against the bloodthirsty Alcott, was admirable.

The king smiled inwardly, admiring this man more and more. In addition, King Lucian was absolutely right in confronting Alcott about letting his queen suffer, even putting her life at risk. Not only that, but his reign was also in danger. He opened stupidly the doors of his home to the enemy. It was all true. Nevertheless, there was an even more powerful reason to stop himself to make this king pay for his audacity than his respect for him. And it was his queen.

Never in his life would he risk touching a single hair of the beloved father of his great love. No, Alcott would never do such a thing, such an atrocity. That would unleash his queen’s infinite hatred. And for him, death would be preferable than to seeing hate in those beautiful electric blue eyes.

Alcott swallowed his pride, and gave way to reason, saying, “You are right, your majesty, I was deluded and ignorant. But now that I have discovered part of what they plan, I will not rest until the flayed skin of my enemies is displayed, hanging from the entrance of my city.”

King Lucian’s furious, hard, unforgiving eyes softened at his son-in-law’s words. And with great pride, he understood at that moment why his beloved Amberjill had chosen this beast of a man.

His daughter saw through all that mass of muscle, a just and protective heart.

Lucian knew full well that if he weren’t Amberjill’s father, his body would be torn to pieces on the ground right now. Yes, King Lucian was insured for life on that count.

But on the other hand, he pities him. This problem in which they are involved was not easy, and in front of this young couple, many problems and turbulence awaited them. The king wondered how the two of them could solve them, and if there was any solution for it at all. He was not sure.

King Lucian placed his hand on King Alcott’s shoulder as a sign of good faith. “Very well, king, count on the kingdom of Ruana for whatever you need. I imagine war is at the gates of Mahala, and Ruana, by association.”

“Indeed, my king, Ruana, and Mahala have formed a strong alliance, and what better way to dismantle our political and economic arrangements than to target my queen? The plant that they gradually administered to her to temporarily prevent her from conceiving is only the first step. Fortunately, their plot was discovered before she was permanent damage.”

Both kings’ eyes were filled with evil intentions. Promising revenge.

Lady Abba was looking out of her window at the vast forest that bordered the castle wall, wishing she had wings and could fly far away. Being able to take refuge in those huge trees so that no one would ever find her. Abba was scared, and a lot.

Ever since King Alcott had confronted her days ago, she had been afraid of her future at hands of both kings, especially her father’s retribution. But something the king said kept her relatively safe. Although her husband, if she could still call him that, didn’t make it clear, Lady Abba sensed he wouldn’t reveal her secret for now. In addition, four guards guard her door so that no one can enter, nor she can leave.

She had been confined indefinitely to her bedchamber. No one could go in or out, except a servant assigned by the king. Which was not very enjoyable, by the way. She didn’t know what to do, or even if she could escape.

Putting her hand on her belly, Lady Abba shed her first sincere tears. Her baby.

Is King Alcott capable of killing it? Or sympathize with both of them? And what about her father? Certainly not.

Lady Abba, very focused on her thoughts, did not notice the presence that carefully entered her chambers. Nor did she at first feel the strong arms that hugged her from behind. But when the unmistakable perfume of her beloved Perseus reached her nose, the little air she had in her lungs left her.

Still, with tears in her eyes, Lady Abba turned, finding the face that had never disappointed her since they met, smiling.

Sir Perseus conveyed to her a feeling of peace and tranquillity, which she had never experienced with anyone else. Always fearing for her safety, being discarded at any point, or attacked. Pending on the mood her father would be in. Always walking on tiptoes before everyone, pretending to be strong and unfeeling.

But not with this man, with him, she could unfold, open up completely. No one but Sir Perseus knew the real Abba. The Abba who would move mountains to protect her own. And just as she did her best to keep her beloved Perseus safe from her father’s clutches, doing as he asked, she would continue to do so. And now, another life was at stake.

Sir Perseus, without ceasing to smile, wiped with his finger the many tears that did not stop spilling from his beloved’s eyes. And despite that smile, his heart ached. His inability to protect the only woman he loved in the entire world weighed heavily on him.

As much as he trained, and as much as he endured whatever demands King Soto placed on him, nothing had been enough to prevent Abba from suffering. Nothing.

But this smile, he would keep it steady as long as it took. Until her heart understood that there is still hope.

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