Chapter 32

The council decree

King Alcott strode with a hurried, long stride in the direction of the throne chamber. The trajectory to get there seemed immensely long. His advisor, Asta, behind him, was practically running to keep up with him.

This paper, pressed and crumpled under the immense force of his big and powerful hands, was the source of the king’s anguish and fury. Despite his strides, he didn’t seem capable of reaching his destination with enough pace and length. Earlier today, he received an unexpected letter asking for his presence to witness the voluntary removal of Queen Amberjill as sovereign of Mahala. Taking the decision to renounce her title as queen, which was unanimously approved by the council of nobles.

When the king’s advisor received, and read the letter, the colour of his skin faded. He didn’t lose time and ran to where the king was, carrying the bad news. When Asta reached his king and showed him the letter, Alcott could not react immediately, but it took him a while to assimilate the content of it. No, this was not possible, the king could not believe it.

When the king’s advisor showed up suddenly with such a piece of bad news, Alcott was in the royal library, thoroughly investigating the origins of the Olivansis family. He needed to dig more into them, to uncover the possibilities and reasons for this revolt.

The king, after understanding the magnitude of this letter, slumped back in his chair, trying to regain his sanity. While in his mind, the word ‘voluntary removal’ was constantly spinning. But not all the time in the world could bring him back to his sense after the news. He crunched the letter in his fist, and said, “My queen, what have you done?” So without thinking further on the matter, he left the library, heading to the throne chamber.

While walking the corridors, the only thing the king could think about was the reason for this situation. And how it could have been possible that on the same day of the hearing, he was receiving the information. The only conclusion he reached was that the letter was deliberately delayed. Purposely keeping him in the dark. His heart was pounding wildly

Finally reaching the doors of the throne chamber, the guards who were guarding it, seeing the sternness of the king’s face, wasted no time to open the doors. As if chasing his prey, King Alcott rushed in. What he saw burned him like uncontrollable fire going through his entire body.

The representatives of the noble families were there, wearing ceremonial garments. Surrounded by their many advisors. All of them are ready to discredit any claim Alcott might make. Surrounded by council guards. Established to enforce the dispositions of the nobles. Alcott surveyed everything, till his eyes collided with the image of his queen.

And in front of everyone, next to his throne, was Amberjill. She was beautifully adorned with one of her angelic blue dresses that characterizes her so much. Her silver hair was held back in an elegant bun, entwined with precious stones. And on her head, sat the crown of Mahala royalty. The queen’s crown. The king looked at her from head to toe, stopping at her face, which showed nothing, it was as if her spirit had escaped through the cracks that formed in those blue eyes that he adores so much.

Alcott walked menacingly towards her, desperate to find a solution and stop this. Desperate to take his love with him to another place, far from this corrupt court. Desperate to see again, the glimmer faded from her eyes. The king strode across the chamber, creating a draft as he passed, intimidating most of those present with his aggressiveness. Here, in front of his court, everyone saw why Alcott was feared. Presents need to be careful around him since their lives could be taken at any moment.

The queen, without moving a single muscle on her face, saw how her beloved, full of rage, crossed the place. His red eyes were the indication the fury could explode at any moment. This image moved the almost dead heart of the queen, starting the hope that her beloved king would not let her go. That he would fight armies, and even his own court, for her. However, the queen was no longer sure if staying in Mahala was what she wanted, despite her king shedding blood to exert his dominance.

But all her resolve was shaken, when the terrible presence of her husband was before her, radiating fury, like waves, spreading throughout the place, reaching her core. Amberjill shuddered. But there was nothing she could fear from this man, for she knew well that King Alcott would never dare lay a finger on her. That aggression was only reserved for his enemies. This exhibition was more of an animal calling his mate, enticing her with his display of power. Her pupils dilated with excitement.

The king, standing a few steps from his queen, remained silent, unable to externalize what caused him so much terror. However, upon opening his mouth, only two broken words came out. “My Queen.”

Amberjill for the second time today felt her heart pound. In fact, it not only throbbed but was about to burst out of her chest. Hearing her Lord’s voice in such conditions was something she never wanted to experience. Amberjill knew that Alcott was in pain and despite what had happened between them, he loved her with his entire soul. But she loved him more, and that was why they were all here together. Much was at stake, and the queen in her wisdom has removed the piece of contention.

Alcott unable to stop himself, kneeled in front of Amberjill, creating whispers and murmurs throughout the place. With his shaking hand, he took the delicate one of his queen, who was also trembling. The two locked gazes, looking past the flesh. The king saw his queen’s pain, which was endless, and the reasons for her actions. And the queen saw the torment in which the king lived since they separated, and the terror he had of losing her.

“Your majesty, your majesty.” The voice of the president of the council, Lord Garson Olivansis, interrupted this very significant moment for both of them. The queen blinked several times, removing the enchantment the king’s green eyes had cast on her. Returning to the present. And for Alcott, hearing Olivansis’s voice reignited the fire that his queen’s blue eyes had extinguished.

Placing the queen’s hand carefully on her lap, Alcott rose and faced the nobles.

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