Chapter 33

The king strikes back

King Alcott was standing in front of the entire council of nobles. Those present, witnessing the great presence and physique of their king, were unable to stop admiring him, thinking that Mahala could not have been in better, more capable hands than this magnificent monarch. However, just as well, they feared him. And that is why the council of nobles was the perfect way to control him.

The king looked at each one of the council representatives, conveying to them the mistake they had made in challenging him in this way. And finally the representative of the council, Lord Garson Olivansis. The man who, for sure, was part of this conspiracy.

Lord Garson swallowed hard because his fury from close was even worst. His penetrating gaze was cutting through his skull, reaching to where his thoughts lay, stripping him of his secrets. However, he knew that there was no way for him to know about the sneaky encounters that had taken place with his ally, King Soto. Nor their plans for the future. Moreover, the man in front of him causes doubts in him.

“Presiding Councillor, why was I notified of this audience this very day?” The king’s voice resounded with echoes through the walls of the chamber, making the skin of those present rise. His unyielding and furious gaze was fixed exclusively on him, making it almost impossible to answer with confidence. But Lord Garson cleared his throat then said, “My king, I don’t understand what you are saying, the notice for this hearing was sent a week ago to all concerned. Of course, the king’s invitation was prepared as well and sent with the rest. However, I am very sorry for the misunderstanding. In the process, the courier must have misplaced it, leading to the delay.”

King Alcott ground his teeth, knowing full well that it was a lie. This was deliberately done to put him at a disadvantage. Knowing full well that if he found out what his queen had requested, without a doubt, the king would have stopped the hearing and the council resolution before the process progressed to where it is right now.

The king could argue for hours about the illegality of this fact, but about the resolution of the council, he could do almost nothing. Alcott turned, and looked directly at his throne, taking a seat. His body was rigid, with his legs spread wide, his elbows resting on the armrest of the Thorne, with his head held high. The throne room was silent, waiting for the king’s next words.

“Let the audience begin.”

Lord Garson, relieved, let out the air that was stuck in his lungs. Thus beginning the reading of the facts.

Meanwhile, the king, without moving or saying anything, listened to the queen’s pleas and reasons for giving up her title. Alcott listened carefully to everything, knowing that what was said in the letter would be true and that the departure of the queen from Mahala would be the best solution to this conflict. Except that the situation is not as known. And the solution would not be obtained by the departure of his queen, but by his enemy’s blood, spilled through the streets of Mahala.

Alcott listened with helplessness and anger to everything that had been agreed upon without his knowledge, and even the terrible disappointment that his beloved’s actions weighed on him. To what he had forced her to do. Alcott deserved nothing less, but he must deal with this reality, after all, he was the king. Alcott clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white.

In one of the corners of the place, the king’s adviser was arguing excitedly with his other fellow advisers. Trying to find a legal loophole that would allow them to revoke this decree. And after listening to what was exposed by the council, none had reached a favourable solution.

“And it is so, Your Majesty, that the council of nobles has approved the destitution of Queen Amberjill with immediate effect. The royal heir in our eyes will always have priority. The queen will be stripped of her title and, as per her wishes, escorted to the outskirts of Mahala….”

But before Lord Garson could solicit a verbal vote from the council members, the hasty adviser approached the king’s throne. Alcott, seeing him, raised his hand, indicating the president of the council to stop. Everyone in the throne room looked at Asta with immense curiosity, the queen even more so.

Asta whispered a few words to the king, causing his eyes to widen, and an unusual gleam was seen in them.

The queen was expectant, her heart in her throat, wondering what these two had shared that was so important as to stop the session. But Amberjill along with everyone else wondering the same thing didn’t have to wait long to find out.

“I accept the council’s resolution to strip Queen Amberjill of her title.” The king said, causing the vociferation of everyone present.

The queen, who had not taken her eyes off her king, closed her eyes, letting herself be carried away by the torrent of misery and failure that she knew would catch up with her soon. The cruel words of her king nailed to the depths of her being. Because from his mouth, Amberjill didn’t expect it to hurt like this. That was it for them. The end of their life together. Her end.

“However, Queen Amberjill is not going anywhere, since the fact that her royal title is removed, she is still my wife. And it is my right as such to rule her life, according to the laws of Mahala. Queen Amberjill, now Lady Amberjill will remain by my side, fulfilling her wifely duties, until I decide otherwise.”

The queen could not move no matter how much her mind told her to, let alone articulate a single word. Her pale skin reflected the blue of her dress, making her look like a ghost with her translucent skin. Her electric blue eyes began to crystallize, leaving her on the edge of the precipice.

“No,” the queen yelled, finally, and at the same time rose from her throne, drawing the attention of those present to her, including her king’s.

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