Chapter 34

Their plan in motion

The queen’s well-structured plan couldn’t be so easily dismissed for something so simple. Amberjill desperately looked at all the nobles on the council, hoping someone would come to their senses and say something. But she painfully knew that the laws in Mahala were not fair to women and that the husband had more authority over the wives than they should. Leaving her defenseless before this social system. She knew this beforehand, however, Amberjill never dreamed that such a tragedy would happen to her.

Being stripped of her basic rights was unthinkable, reducing her to a minor, with no legal representation other than that of her husband or father.

And Lord Garson, who couldn’t allow this either, spoke up, “Your Majesty, reconsider. Such an action would create a terrible conflict between the kingdoms of Ruana and Mahala.” Thinking that if the queen remained here, even despite being stripped of her title, she would still be a risk to their plans. This, he had to fix and find a solution to banish her. Otherwise, Lady Abba would have no chance to rise to power.

Lord Garson raised his hand and was about to speak, but the king’s withering voice stopped him dead.

“Members of the council, my will, and right will be respected, or any who oppose will receive the edge of my sword on their necks. Now, without further interruptions, proceed.”

The queen, weak in her legs, sat back on her throne, amid murmurs and glances. But she didn’t notice anything, nor did she hear anything, since her shocked gaze was focused only on the king.

The king, for his part, did not dare to look at his beloved, knowing full well that her eyes accuse him of having stripped her of her person. However, Alcott would not allow her to leave him. His fairy queen will remain with him till his last breath on this earth. If it was necessary to be cruel, so be it. With one hand, he ushered the council.

Lord Garson, being the president, reluctantly made his way to the queen’s throne. Stopping in front of her, he raised his hands and snatched the crown from her head. He held it up in the air, and said, “Lady Amberjill from the noble house of Relish, and first wife of the mighty King Alcott Relish. The Mahala council of nobles has taken back this crown. Stripping you of your power as queen and sovereign of our glorious kingdom. Now, you only answer to your lord and husband.” Lord Garson then placed the crown on a velvet cushion that one of his attendants was holding. Ending Amberjill’s short reign.

Devastated, Amberjill remained in her seat, staring off into the distance, consumed by defeat and heartbreak.

“Guards, escort my wife to my chamber. And guard the door so that no one can enter or leave.” Saying that the king’s personal guards approached Lady Amberjill, and gently, they took her from the arms, as if she was a rose petal, leading her out of the throne room. But before leaving, Amberjill turned her head towards her husband, giving him one of the most hurtful looks the king had ever seen. Her electric blue now turned into the deep blue of the sea.

NO!” King Soto threw the glass of wine that he was drinking a few minutes ago at the wall, near the head of one of his servants, spilling the liquid on her and all around. Some of his guards came to him with the news of what happened in the audience, causing the king’s anger. Everything was going wrong

“ARRR,” the king screamed, pounding his fist on the table, where a banquet had been placed to celebrate the success of the first stage of his plan. In his rage, the king knocked over everything on top, scattering food everywhere.

King Soto, unable to contain himself, went to his servant, and taking her by the hair, threw her to the ground. The poor girl screamed, causing the king’s fury to intensify. The king took off the leather belt that held his garments and began to beat her with it until extinguished his strength.

No one present dared to interrupt, because they knew that the same fate or worse would await them. All they could do was endure.

Tired of so much effort, the king threw his belt to the floor and returned to his seat. After a few minutes of meditation, the king looked up, and pointed his finger at one of his trustful guards, saying, “Bring the good-for-nothing Perseus right away.” The guard bowed his head and left to do as instructed.

While he waited, the king began to think hard about another way to get rid of the queen. The former queen, he corrected himself. With a cruel smile, Soto began to laugh out loud.

Away from everything that was happening at court, Sir Perseus was getting ready to meet with Shadow. The talk he had with the king a few days ago had opened his eyes to a new world of possibilities. It wasn’t going to be easy, but the knight was willing to risk his life and become a spy for King Alcott as long as he spared his beloved’s life. Among all his options, there was no better one. The king’s revelation about the baby Abba was carrying filled him with a sense of responsibility. He knew the baby was his, pouring hope into his heart. He never knew his father, nor did he know what one’s affection was, but he was sure that his love for the baby would be enough to guide him.

Thinking of this, Sir Perseus finished tying his belt, and arranging his tunic, when the door to his room opened with a BANG! Making him alert. But before he could draw his sword, two of King Soto’s guards stopped him and dragged him out of his room.

In the distance, Shadow watched as the knight was manhandled across the courtyard, in the direction of King Soto’s temporary palace. Shadow smiled, thinking that now it was their turn.

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