Chapter 35

Her fury

Amberjill was escorted to King Alcott’s chambers, much to her displeasure, and still suffering from the shock of what had transpired.

She, remembering the king’s adviser approaching, and whispering a few words in the king’s ear, Amberjill cursed him. If it wasn’t for him, she would be on her way to her homeland. Away from her king, away from this place. Amberjill’s nature was not violent, but right now she wishes she had a dagger and buried it in Asta’s heart.

How could it all have gone so wrong? Walking with her eyes focused on the ground, she regretted her life, and at the same time as she fed her fury, along with her murderous desires, wishing that with just one hand she could snap the neck of anyone who got in her way. Oh! Yes, Amberjill was furious and worst of all, she didn’t know how to unleash such aggression that was increasing by the second. Overflowing. Her training as a princess was not enough for her to recover her senses in the face of the atrocity that had been committed against her today.

The guards stopped, and without realizing it, they had already reached the king’s chamber. As the guard opened the door for her, she looked up from the ground and met his eyes, letting him know how much she hated him at that moment. A sea storm blue had replaced the electric one in her eyes, which let the guard know her true intentions toward him.

“My queen, my queen.” Hearing her beloved servant’s voice, Amberjill looked away from the guard, watching as Aurora ran from the door of her former chamber, to where the guard was hurrying her inside. But Aurora, seeing the commotion, and her queen in the midst of it all, wondered what had happened.

Ruching towards her, Aurora tried to get past one of the guards to get to her mistress, however, that same guard prevented her from advancing any further, pushing her slightly. But to the women of Ruana, a little push meant a lot. Sending the servant to the ground. Sandra, who was not far behind, stopped short, horrified by what she had witnessed. When she recovered from the shock, she wasted no time in going to help.

The place fell silent, and Amberjill, seeing her beloved servant on the ground, saw red. The former queen’s fury was unleashed, surging like lava from a long-dormant volcano, exploding with such force that it could disintegrate everything in its path. Amberjill would make this reckless and savage guard pay. And in her blind rage, she took off her shoes, and with it, she began to hit the guard’s head, which by the way was protected by a helmet. But the intention was clear. Amberjill didn’t notice that small detail but continued to hit left and right.

“ENOUGH.” The booming voice of the King resounded all around the hall. Freezing everyone in place, including the queen. Seeing this scene, the king only could wonder in which parallel dimension all of them had woken up today.

As the king approached with his long strides, he struck the guard who had pushed the servant, sending him to the opposite wall and breaking his nose with his powerful fist. It was something no one could have predicted, especially the guard who lay on the ground all bloody.

Watching this oh! How Amberjill wishes she had those arms to take justice into her own hand. But life was unfair by granting her the status of a woman. At that moment, she wanted more than anything to be born as a man, not so delicate as herself. If everyone was able to trample on them, and the useless laws in existence allow it, what good is there to be of her gender? Non. It was a curse.

Yes, Amberjill wanted to return to her homeland more than ever, where the citizens had respect for each other, and the laws did work protecting the weakest. Amberjill cursed Mahala and cursed the day she laid eyes on this king.

The king, with a movement of his head, signalled the standing guard to get rid of the other. He immediately complied, not wanting to give the king an excuse to direct his fury at him. The guard went to his fellow guard, helping him up, and holding him by one arm, he hurriedly dragged him down the hallway, until they were no more to be seen.

King Alcott now turned his attention to his beloved’s servants. They, seeing that the king’s eyes were on them, swallowed, but the king’s kind expression assured them that they were not in trouble. “Your mistress will be well cared for under my watch. Therefore, your services will not be necessary for the moment.”

“Who said they are not needed?” The angry voice of Amberjill behind the king boomed, turning all heads in her direction. But she had other ideas, and taking a step forward she tried to pass them all and go to her chambers. But the king, anticipating this movement, stopped her by holding her by the shoulders, turning her at an angle of 180°, and guiding her towards the entrance of his chamber. Sandra and Aurora witnessed this with their mouths open, unable to do anything, as the king slammed the door shut behind him in their faces. Making them jump due to the loud BANG of the door.

Once the sound of the door closing echoed through the room, Amberjill turned her full body, facing her king, with fury in her gaze.

“How dare you” SLAP! Amberjill’s hand made contact with the king’s cheek. But the king didn’t even blink, setting the queen’s soul on fire even more.

SLAP! “I hate you,” SLAP! “I hate Mahala,” SLAP! “But I hate you more.”SLAP! “I curse you all.”

The next slap was intercepted by the king, grabbing his beloved’s hand before it made contact with his cheek. It wasn’t that the king was worried about the damage that the queen’s soft and delicate hands would cause him, quite the contrary. He was extremely happy. Because for the first time in a long time, his Amberjill expressed her true feelings, and he prefers to see the fire in her eyes, than the emptiness that hurts him so much. The bloodthirsty king was excited and stimulated by this display.

The real reason why King Alcott stopped Amberjill from slapping him further, was because he noticed that her delicate hand began to turn red. And he knew very well that if she continued like this, she would surely wake up with a swollen hand.

Alcott took his queen’s hand and kissed it tenderly and softly. But Amberjill did not feel tenderness or softness in that kiss. No, when she felt the red and fleshy lips of her king touch her skin, she lost her voice, unable to think, extinguishing the fury that was devouring her without control seconds ago, giving way to an inferno of a different kind.

The king shortened the already non-existent distance between them until there was no space between their bodies. His mesmerizing eyes had her trapped, just as hers had him. There was nothing around the two now. Only an incomparable desire that quickly burned their fires, consuming them.

He held his queen’s head in both hands, drenched in a desire to possess her that he had only experienced the first time he saw her riding on that hill. The king lowered his head, till he took her mouth, invading each space, testing again this intoxicating flavour that drove him crazy. It was unbearable for him to be denied so ruthlessly by his love for so long. But that’s no longer the case because today will end. His fairy queen will not deny him access to her body or her heart any longer.

Without taking his mouth off hers, Alcott removed his huge hands from his queen’s head, hastily guiding them to the collar of her garment, and with one sharp, assertive movement, tore the dress in two, letting it fall to the ground, puddled at her feet. Then he did the same with his, until the two of them were naked, skin to skin, with only their warmth enveloping them.

That afternoon was something to remember. Their bodies joined in a dance of endless desire and pleasure. And the king finally got what he had been vehemently craving for many weeks, and that was to explode inside his love, planting his seeds in her womb.

The two did not take a break, but the opposite. The night was short for them to deal with the immense desire that needed to be satisfied.

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