Chapter 37

Soto again

It was morning, and Amberjill was in her favourite chair. Only a bedsheet was wrapped around her body, watching the man who was sleeping peacefully in bed. She couldn’t help but stare at that exposed muscular chest, showing the marks she left when the passion was too much, and her control too little.

Amberjill’s toes curled as she remembered this savage king taking her for four consecutive days. As if the world could wait for them. Her body was also a testament to the king’s passion. Marks of love adorning every part of her delicate pale skin, making her look like a spectacle. She cursed under her breath. Wondering when it will fade away. Especially on her skin type, where a slight scratch could last for weeks. Amberjill sighed, resigned to the fact that there was nothing she could do about it but wait.

She glanced at the door, eyeing shakily at the padlock that dangled from the lock, trapped. And the only key was the one hanging from his neck. Several times she tried to steal it away when the king was resting, but it seemed that Alcott could sense her every move, spoiling her plans to flee.

At that moment, her stomach growled, and as if by magic, the king opened his eyes, watching her lazily. Amberjill blushed, and pulled the bedsheet up a bit more, covering her chest completely. Alcott smiled, astonished at the modesty that his queen continued to have after so much time together, and especially the last days was full of limitless passion they spent together.

Alcott sat up, propping himself up on his elbows, smiling at her with his four-day-ungroomed beard. Her foolish heart melted more and more every time he smiled at her like that. But that moment did not last long because the king noticed a piece of paper slipping under the door out of the corner of his eye. After seeing it, he got out of bed, naked as the day when he was born, to pick it up.

Amberjill was more interested in seeing that gorgeous rear than in what the king was doing, but when he bent down to retrieve the letter, she could see what he had in his hand.

“My king, what do you have there?” She asked.

Alcott did not respond immediately but looked at the letter, and after a few seconds started to read the content. Alcott tensed his arms, and Amberjill saw how the paper crumpled from the force that the king was exerting.

She got up from her chair, worried by that reaction of her king, and holding the bedsheet tightly, she walked towards him. Amberjill stopped in front of him, and with one hand, she touched his forearm, letting him know that she was there.

Alcott, seeing his beloved, tried to control his emotions, and he managed to smile at her, trying to lessen her concern. But she still wanted answers, and the king knew he had to give her something; otherwise, his queen wouldn’t allow it.

He took Ambejill by the shoulders and said, “My queen, I have received a report about a breach in the castle’s security. I must attend to this matter immediately.” The king took his beloved’s hand and kissed it, then continued, “With all the pain of my soul, I will have to leave our bed.”

The queen observed the determination of her king, and even though she previously tried to escape from this confinement, now that he is the one who was leaving, Amberjjl resented his decision. The queen more than anything wanted to continue immersed in the arms of her husband. Where she felt safe. But at the same time, she knew it was impossible to keep a king away from his duties for so long.

She finally nodded, making the king smirk. But Amberjill didn’t let him go without giving him a piece of her thoughts, “You know you can tell me anything.” And now it was the king’s turn to nod.

“In due time, love, I will tell you everything. Simultaneously, I beg you to trust me. And know that whatever I do is to protect you.” And without taking his eyes off her, Alcott took her lips, kissing her goodbye.

The king dressed and hurried out. Leaving Amberjill with worried thoughts. What little she could understand from this brief talk, is that they were in danger. And when she went to the door to test her theory, she found it locked. The queen closed her eyes and sighed. Thinking that locked up here, she wouldn’t be able to find out anything, let alone a way to help.

Amberjill looked around her, trying to figure out how to spend her time. Taking into account that there was not much to do. Resigned, she went to bed and leaning back, she closed her eyes, entering a deep sleep.


King Alcott walked steadily through his castle until he reached the watchtower, where a stressed Shadow was waiting for him. Seeing his king, he bowed, and said, “My king, we have a serious problem.” And at the same time, he took out from his pocket something wrapped in a handkerchief.

Alcott’s eyes widened, looking at what his spy had in his hand. “What is that,” the king said.

Shadow carefully set it down on the table and removed the handkerchief from the way. Discovering a small pouch. Alcott took his eyes off the object, wondering about this, and fixed them on his spy.

“Your majesty, this is evil. What we have here could completely wipe out the kingdom of Ruana,” Shadow said in alarm.

The king stretched out his arm for a closer look, when suddenly Shadow screamed, “NO! Don’t touch it.” Alcott immediately withdrew his hand, as if it were a poisonous snake.

“What is this?” The king asked, angry and concerned.

“Don’t touch it, Your Majesty. Anything inside here that could come into contact with my queen could kill her.”

Alcott’s spirit left his body, paling his face, rendering him temporarily useless. The king’s breathing quickened, but after a few more seconds, he could finally speak. “WHAT IS THIS, SHADOW, ANSWER ME,” Alcott screamed, unable to keep his sanity. Something as terrible as this was threatening the life of his beloved Amberjill. Unthinkable.

“My king, keep calm. There is still a lot more to tell.”

The king knew that what Shadow said was right, but his fear was even greater than his reason. But because of the love he had for his queen, he contained his emotions, which were of no use to him at this moment.

Finally, the king nodded, giving way to Shadow.

“My king, Sir Perseus, was summoned by King Soto.” Alcott’s veins burned at the sound of that name. Of course, it had to be him. That bastard will pay dearly for his audacity. He had already gone too far.

The king made a quick recount of what had happened, plus the information that Shadow was providing him about the task that Sir Perseus had to carry out, threatening to end the life of his unborn child with this same powder if he refused. He also found out what Soto said about the king of Ruana. Alcott was thinking hard, really hard.

Soto was a serpent with many heads, and the worst case was that one or more of those heads were in Mahala, assisting him. He, at all costs, had to discover them all. But the most important thing at the moment was his queen.

Thinking about all this, the king said, “Shadow, there is something dark around Sir Perseus and King Soto’s relationship. The knight seems to know nothing about anything. That’s why I want you to go to Bodoro, and question his mother and his family. I am sure there is where we will find some of the answers.” Shadow nodded, knowing full well that this is where they should dig for information, and as for the king…

“My queen and I will take an unexpected trip to Ruana.”

Shadow nodded, but then he remembered something, “And what about Lady Abba?”

The king closed his eyes, frustrated, touching his unkept beard out of nervousness. And when he opened his eyes again, he said, “She will have to come with us.”

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