Chapter 38

The trip

Shadow, Victor, and Emmett were at full speed, galloping the plain that separated Mahala’s territory from Bodoro’s. Half a day more at this pace and they would reach the capital, where their objective was. Two long days of travelling without rest these men had endured, but now they were only a few hours away from arriving.

Mahala was the kingdom that connected geographically with the most important kingdoms in the region. Its strategic advantage was unique. And that was why, together with the iron fist of King Alcott, and all the benefits of the place, Mahala climbed rung after rung without anyone being able to prevent it.

To the north, it bordered Ruana, its most powerful ally, and to the northeast with the reign of Always Green. To the northwest, with a formation of mountains, it was impossible to maintain a settlement of people due to its geographical structure. And to the south with the kingdom of Narumia, this with an entrance to the sea that surrounds the continent.

It was the family of Perseus that was the target of the three royal guards. By any means necessary, the king had to obtain the information he needed to discover the enemy’s plan. This would not be easy, since what they knew of this family indicated that they were powerful and wealthy. Surely, they would be surrounded by guards and servants, because of the proximity to King Soto. That’s why Shadow brought reinforcements. Help from his childhood friends and comrades-in-arms.

Victor and Emmett were generals of the 3rd and 5th Battalions of King Alcott’s Army, under the direct command of Lord Baron Elggina. He was aware of the secret missions in favour of His Majesty, King Alcott, so he gave them a free run of action without making them account for it.

The two chose to follow the path of arms because they saw that this would be the best way to protect their king and Mahala. They were considered the most loyal generals to King Alcott. Both, like the king, were known as bloodthirsty among their enemies. Unlike Shadow. The spy served the king but in a different way. His ability to deduce and see what others did not, made him invaluable at the king’s court. And as his pseudonym indicated, he could fade into the shadows. The three of them together with their skills could reverse a situation unfavourable for them in seconds.

King Alcott trusted them blindly, and without thinking, he would put his queen’s safety and life in their hands.


Meanwhile, at Relish Castle, King Alcott watched from his throne as the royal guard announced King Soto’s entrance into the throne room. With revulsion, and using all his willpower not to decapitate him instantly, King Alcott waited for him to reach the foot of his throne.

Soto walked confidently with a big smile, trying to portray himself as superior. But Soto was anything but that. Alcott knew it and would try to take advantage of the weaknesses he already knew about.

“Your Majesty,” King Soto made a small courtesy, “His Majesty sent for me, and here I am.”

Alcott rose from his throne and walked down towards him. When they were a few steps away, Alcott said, “King Soto, yes, I sent for you because I have an announcement to make.” And while saying this, Alcott carefully observed the expression of the man in front of him, not wanting to miss a single detail.

“Thank you for attending on such short notice, and indeed, there is something I want to notify you about in person.” King Soto’s interest increased, wanting to guess this sudden encounter, but his mind did not reach any plausible conclusion.

“Yes, King Alcott, please continue.”

“I have decided to travel to Ruana for business purposes and meet with King Lucian,” Alcott said, waiting for some reaction, but Soto knew how to mask his thoughts so that he wouldn’t give away a thing to anyone. The minuscule increase in King Soto’s pupils couldn’t be missed by King Alcott because he had many years of training.

Soto cursed internally, “King Alcott, why such a sudden visit?” Not counting on this sudden event. But on second thought, this wasn’t so bad, if King Alcott ignorantly let him know something he could use in the near future, so much the better for him.

The old fox, Alcott, immediately guessed this man’s intentions. But he wouldn’t fall for his game, since he knew his true intentions. “Nothing to worry about, as you already know, my kingdom is prospering faster than expected, and I need to increase the trade of some products that are in short supply.” Alcott said, smelling what the king in front of him would suggest, but without giving him a chance to say anything, he continued, “And it’s time for my wife to visit her kingdom of birth. Two years have passed since the last time she set foot in Ruana.”

This time, Soto could not help but tense his jaw when he heard Ruana, showing the king the bad intentions he carried with him. But he continued, “We leave tomorrow,” Alcott turned and walked to his throne, sitting down, and from there he said, “Lady Abba will join us too.” Soto’s eyes widened in disbelief, asking himself why in the world he would want to take both wives with him.

“Oh yes, Lady Amberjill after all that befell, a journey would do good for her, but my daughter, why take her with you? I have heard that her health has deteriorated due to her condition, and travelling would not do her any good. Why not let her rest here in Mahala while, personally, I will take care of her?” Soto slyly interjected, but Alcott was not going to get hooked on him.

“Not only is my second wife coming, but I also want her to be accompanied by one of her personal guards. What’s his name? Mm! Ah yes, Sir Perseus. I have heard that he comes from Ruana, and would be excellent company for everyone.”

Alcott raised his chin threateningly, knowing full well that King Soto would make an excuse. King Soto's blood boils, but kept calm, not wanting to make a mistake. But King Alcott’s menacing gaze prevailed over Soto’s. And through clenched teeth, Soto replied, “Of course, Your Majesty. Yes, Sir Perseus is of Ruana blood, and I imagine that going to the place of his origins would be something unforgettable for him.”

Alcott smiled, satisfied. But he would keep his guard up because, at any moment, this rat could pull off some trick. King Soto withdrew, and as Alcott watched his silhouette disappear through the door, he thought he had won this round.

But there was another battle he was not sure of the outcome, and that was to notify her beloved Amberjill of these arrangements. King Alcott swallowed.

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